The aim of “MODI-FY - Maintaining Historic Buildings and Objects through Developing and Up-grading Individual Skills of Project Managers: Fostering European Heritage and Culture for Years to come”
is to provide professionals – Project Mangers for Maintenance of Historic Objects - with the required certified skills and competences to help responsible organisations in developing innovative VET (Vocational Education and Training); this includes
• recognition of previous learning and already available skills
• blended learning offer for Project Managers and Assistant Project Managers for Historic Objects
• train-the-trainer education for experts in maintenance of historic buildings
• establishment of a European certificate issued by ECQA – European Certification and Qualification Association
The consortium addresses these needs by developing a model of certified education for people working in management of historic buildings and sites. In a blended training approach old and new skills and competences will be merged into a standard requirement for current and future employees of the partner organisations as well as their suppliers and subcontractors.
The project results will be made available to other organisations around Europe and the World after completion of the project. By offering a certified training, acknowledged by ECQA, linking it into ECVET and European Skills Passport, “MODI-FY” helps responsible bodies to guarantee the survival of European historic treasures and protected heritage.
This way, future generations can still enjoy the impressive heritage of European countries in all its glory.
A short research across Europe has shown that there is no specific VET and/or other education available that contains all required skills/competences for people working in/ for responsible bodies of historic buildings.
The main motivation of partners for this project is to fill the gap between the requirements of job, the available education and existing know-how in the relevant organisations.
In a blended training approach the required skills – “old” ones, available in organisations, and “new” ones - considered necessary for the jobs in question - will be merged into a (pre) requirement for current/future employees and volunteers of the partner organisations, their suppliers and sub-contractors. In co-operation with ECQA, the training will provide professionals/volunteers with the required certified skills and help responsible organisations to guarantee the survival of European historic treasures and protected heritage.
Target persons
1. Project managers of historic buildings
2. Volunteers working for responsible bodies
3. Architects and structural engineers
4. Civil engineers and planning offices including diagnosis specialists
5. Restaurateurs and stuccoers
6. Art historians
The partnership
BHOE (Burghauptmannschaft) - exists for centuries, 50 years expertise in maintenance of historic buildings, looking after world famous historic buildings across Austria.
UBW GmbH - highly experienced in project management and in EU projects, as well as in developing, organising and conducting training courses and other events. As a long-term partner of BHÖ these competences and experiences are also related to historic buildings.
ECQA (European Certification and Qualification Association) - established an EU Certificates Online Campus with online skills assessment, online exams and certifications.
CUEBC - has experts on architecture, conservation and cultural heritage, combined with training skills. Another strength is the wide experience in cultural heritage and sustainable development.
NT (National Trust) - one of the largest heritage and conservation NGOs in Europe with over 4.1m members. Over 5,000 staff and 70,000 volunteers’ main activities are the preservation and conservation of heritage assets considered to be of national importance.
Landkommanderij Alden Biesen - a state cultural, conference and seminar centre, part of the Ministry of Culture, Art & Heritage agency of the Flemish government, and is based in a historic castle with a European mission.
MRA - a non profit civil organisation, based on a successful NGO model in the UK (NECT). Its objectives are to preserve the built heritage of Hungary.
NTS - a non-governmental organisation which mission is conservation and sensible use of cultural and natural heritage of Slovakia.
“Secretaria Geral da Presidência da República “ - an inside office of the government, technical, non-political department, responsible for taking care of all the quotidian affairs, including maintenance, conservation, and rehabilitation of all the historical buildings belonging to the Presidency of the Republic.
This project is co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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