EUROMEDITERRANEAN/CULTURE, Culture and Tourism in the Mediterranean: skills and innovation
Paestum, 16 November 2006
In the framework of the 9th edition of the Mediterranean Exchange for Archaeological Tourism
In cooperation with Provincia di Salerno and, among the others, ICCROM and UNESCO (Italian Commission) (Participants. 100)
Since the first edition (1998) the CUEBC has supported the Provincia of Salerno in the scientific programme of the fair, in particular for the organization of international seminars. In the 9th Edition the CUEBC organises a 1-day meeting on the theme “Culture and tourism in the Mediterranean: skills and innovation” in cooperation with Link Campus University of Malta, Italian Ministry for the Cultural Assets and Activities, Federturismo and UNIMED (Mediterranean Universities Union). On this occasion, the Master on “Touristic and cultural development policies in the Mediterranean”, promoted by Ravello Centre and Link Campus-University of Malta, has been presented.
The master meets the need to train international managers with the skills necessary to work and carry out a proper development policy for the territory based on culture and innovation, where tourism may represent the tool to make economic growth processes easier.
Aim of the Master is to design a professional of a strategic and operational kind, who, both in the public and the private sector, is able to design, work our and carry out territorial development projects based on culture and tourism and which integrate different realities and different actors of the touristic-cultural development policies of the territory.