Third Practical School Materials of the Monumental Heritage of Ravello. Degradation and Conservation
Ravello, 26th October - 1st November 2003
Introduction of the Course: forms and mechanisms of degradation of the stone of monuments (R. Lefèvre) / Mortars and renderings in the monuments (E. Bilal) / Degradation of mortars and renderings of monuments (P. Bromblet) / Wall paintings and frescoes in the monuments (S. Colinart) / Degradation of wall paintings and frescoes (D. Burlot) / Biodegradation of materials of Cultural Heritage (C. Urzì) / Degradation of stone by salts (V. Verges-Belmin) / Principles of the mapping of stone degradation (V. Verges-Belmin) / Indoor Microclimate for Cultural Heritage (D. Camuffo) / Detailed study of a Monument of Ravello by each team. / Drawing up of the yard reports and oral presentation