Seminario Città A Rischio Nel Mediterraneo
Ravello, 24 - 25 Novembre 2000
Nel quadro di SIDMED III
In collaborazione con EMI Earthquakes and Megacities Initiativ, UATI-ICET International Council for Engineering and Technology e Istituto Internazionale Stop Disasters
Molte importanti città del Mediterraneo sono soggette a gravi rischi naturali, in particolare quello sismico, come i terremoti in Turchia e Grecia hanno tragicamente messo in rilievo nel 1999.
I terremoti forti sono avvenimenti rari: i lunghi intervalli che intercorrono contribuiscono a indebolire la vigilanza e, di conseguenza, a ridurre gli stanziamenti di risorse per attenuarne i possibili effetti. Così i terremoti, come le catastrofi idrogeologiche, rappresentano anche un difficile problema sociale.
Con l’obiettivo di studiare le contromisure necessarie, il Seminario SIDMEDIII - dopo SIDMED I (Rabat 1997), SIDMED II (Istanbul 1998) e le Conferenze IDNDR di Valencia e EUROMED SAFE di Napoli/Ravello del 1999 – è stato dedicato alla gestione dei problemi tecnici e ai vari aspetti della cooperazione tra città mediterranee. A conclusione dell’incontro è stata redatta una dichiarazione finale, di seguito allegata:
Noting that the occurrence of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, and forest fires, and their related human, social and economic costs, trigger an aggravation of natural risks in the Mediterranean and neighboring regions |
Considering the increase of exposure to population and the environment, more specifically in the Cities and Megacities of the region, caused by the demographic and economic expansion |
Considering the importance of communication for cooperation between cities to create "space of solidarity" in the spirit of Barcelona Declaration of 1995 on risk reduction |
Noting the importance for cities to make the optimum use of the scientific institutions for the implementation of their risk management programs as well as the need for the cities of the Mediterranean Region to set up a long-term cooperation framework.
Being fully aware of the current initiatives aimed at reducing the impacts of natural and man-made disasters between local authorities around the Mediterranean as well as other initiatives engaged in the context of international cooperation and Euro-Mediterranean countries |
Jointly recognize the importance of initiating an expanded dialog between scientists, engineers, decision-makers, and more specifically local communities, which would enable the responsible stakeholders to undertake the appropriate disaster mitigation actions for the benefit of their population as a contribution to, and a partner activity of, the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). The dialog will be of great benefit to all parties, the population and the local communities. In particular, it will identify the priorities for a specific applied research agenda tailored towards the needs of cities, while at the same time, it would benefit decision-makers in the development and implementation of their disaster management activities. This communication will evolve around sharing of know-how and |
common capabilities making use of the lessons learned from past disasters. For this purpose, direct contacts as well as modern communication means (such as Internet) will be used to undertake such communication. |
Consequently, the attendees of the SIDMED III Symposium agreed on the following actions: |
Take contact with the local authorities of the Mediterranean basin and neighborhood regions in order to set up a network of cities and collectivities concerned with risk basins, engaged in the implementation of a joint program in risk management that would include the following initiatives: |
i) City-wide risk prevention plan |
ii) Information technology for disaster management |
iii) Comprehensive disaster preparedness programs in schools |
iv) Cost-effective retrofit schemes with a priority of application of critical facilities, important public service buildings, and other essential facilities |
v) Vulnerability assessement and migitation programs based on the local risk culture |
This contact will be established in liaison with international organization, governmental organizations such as UNESCO, UNEP, the Action Plan for the Mediterranean, UNDP, EUR-OPA, and NGO's such EMI (Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative), UATI, etc. |
Due to the specificity of the region, special attention should be paid to the protection of cultural heritage |
Establish in Ravello on November 25, 2000 |
ASHTIANY Ghafory, BELAZOUGUI Mohamed, BEN SARI Driss, BENDIMERAD Fouad, CASSINELLI Michel André, COLAS Gerard Louis, DE SAINT-MARTIN Jeanne, DENEUFBOURG Guy, DI MAIO Salvatore, EL-SAYED Attia, FANELLI Attilio, FERRAINO Diana , FERRIGNI Ferrucio, GALLO Matteo Maria, GIANGRECO Elio, GLASS Bernard, GOLDSCHMITT Ernst, HUET Philippe, ILKISIK Metin, KOSE Veysel, KUS Mamhut, LUONGO Giuseppe, MAHDIAN Fareed, MAKRIS Joannis, MASSUE' Jean-Pierre, MAURO Armando, MORELLI Jacques, NUNZIATA Concetta, PANZA Giuliano, PAPOULIA Joanna, RICCIO Daniele, ROUHBAN Badaoui, SPAGNUOLO Giovanni, VILLEVIEILLE Adelin, YELLES Karim C., |
Ad-Hoc Group Membership |
Secretariat |
Ferruccio FERRIGNI, Director University Center for Cultural Heritage, Ravello, Italy |
Armando MAURO, Executive Director, International Institute Stop Disasters, Naples, Italy |
Other Members |
Mohsen GHAFORY-ASHTIANY, President Iranian Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IIEES), Tehran, Iran - Fouad BENDIMERAD, Chairman, Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative (EMI), Menlo Park, California, USA - Driss BENSARI, Prof. University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morroco - Guy DENEUFBOURG, Coordinator UATI, Paris, France - Attia EL-SAYED, Lecturer, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt - Concetta NUNZIATA, Lecturer, University Frederico II, Naples, Italy - French representative who will be designated later. |
The Ad-Hoc Group will be chaired by Dr. Fouad Bendimerad |
Membership in the Ad-Hoc Committee is open to other individuals representing other interested organization. |