Geology and Palaeoecology for Archaeologists
Palinuro I
PACT Belgium 1989
European Postgraduate Course
Ravello-Palinuro, Settembre 1986
213 pp., ill.
I. Introduction: Archaeology as a Science (B. Arrhenius)
II. Geological aspects: Sediments and Soils (J. Lundqvist)
- Geological Aspects of the Mediterranean Sea (G. Linnman)
- Campanian Province, Tyrrhenian Sea and Human Settlement with special reference to the Palinuro Peninsula (G. Linnman)
- Geology and Environmental History of the Stockholm Region as shown at the Museum of Medieval Stockholm, Helgeandsholmen (U. Miller)
III. Botanical aspects methods and projects: on the History of cultivated plants in Europe (K. E. Behre)
- Floristic and Phytogeographic aspects of Campania (M. Ricciardi)
- Botanical Research Methods in Archaeology: an outline of some interdisciplinary projects in Italy (M. Follieri)
- Suggestions for a field sampling guide in Archaeobotany (M. Follieri)
- The importance of integrated Palaeoethnobotanical Archaeological Research to consider the distribution and transport of plant material (K. Krzywinski)
- Conservation and handling of delicate botanical material in field and in the laboratory (K. Krzywinski)
- Interdisciplinary Research Project: the Bryggen project (K. Krzywinski)
IV. Pollen and diatom analysis: natural and cultural landscapes in the past, reconstructed by pollen analysis (S. Th. Andersen)
- Pollen analysis. background, laboratory techniques and identification (A.M. Robertsson)
- Pollen analysis in Archaeogeology and Geoarchaeology (L. K. Königsson)
- An introduction into pollen analysis used in archaeological work with some examples from interdisciplinary projects (D. Moe)
- Indications of anthropogenic erosion in a Palaeo-Environmental context (I. Vuorela)
- Diatom analysis. Introduction to methods and applications (U. Miller, M.B. Florin)
V. Other methods: The 14C method. Its possibilities and some pitfalls. An introduction (I. U. Olsson)
- Palaeoentomology, methods and applicability in archaeology (S. Noe-Nygaard)
- Stratigraphical methods applied to shore displacement studies (J. Risberg)
- Information science in archaeological survey (A. Voorrips, S. H. Loving, H. Kamermans)
- Environmental projects, collections and their long term storage (D. Moe)