EuroPreArt II. Prehistoric art research and management in Europe - case studies
Edited by Luiz Oosterbeek
Luiz Oosterbeek
Introduction: Cultural Heritage, economic growth and regional development strategies
Part One - Prehistoric Art under pressure - rescue strategies
Luiz Oosterbeek
The management of a rock art complex mostly submerged (Tagus and Ocreza, Portugal)
Hipólito Collado Giraldo
Obras Públicas y Arte Rupestre
Claude Albore Livadie, Carmen Santagata
La situazione dei Parchi Archeologici in Italia meridionale: una realtà da scoprire
Jean Clottes
Grotte Chauvet. La Protection d'une découverte majeure
Part Two - Prehistoric Art data-management and research
Juan Manuel Vicent García, María Cruz Berrocal
The study and management of rock art in archives: the Corpus de Pintura Rupestre Levantina, Department of Prehistory, CSIC, Madrid
Dario Seglie, Mauro Cinquetti, Piero Ricchiardi
Pinerolese Rock Paintings, Western Alps, Italy. Repertory And Museology
Andrea Arcá, Angelo Fossati
Rupestrian Archaeology. A methodological approach to the rock engravings of Valcamonica
Laurence Remacle
L'art mobilier paléolithique en Belgique : recherche et muséographie
ARTRISK: Risk Control of Monuments, Art and Computer applications for Landscape Organization